Home News
  • Tactical RPG With Mecha Musume Haze Reverb Opens Global Pre-Registration!
    Haze Reverb, the tactical anime RPG featuring giantess mecha girls, is launching globally on November 15th, 2024! This unique blend of anime aesthetics, turn-based strategy combat, and a gacha system promises exciting action and compelling storytelling. Already a hit in China and Japan, Haze Reverb

    Update:Dec 30,2024 Author:Hazel

  • Zelda's Tingle Creator Wants Masi Oka of Heroes Fame to Play Tingle in Movie
    《塞尔达传说》电影:汀克角色扮演者呼声高涨,原作者力挺《英雄》演员冈政伟 备受期待的《塞尔达传说》真人电影引发诸多猜测:谁将挥舞大师之剑?塞尔达公主是身着飘逸长袍还是英武战衣?然而,除了林克和塞尔达,另一个问题也备受关注:热爱气球的汀克是否会出现在大银幕上?如果会,谁最适合扮演这个角色呢?近日,汀克的创造者今村孝史揭晓了他的理想人选。 今村孝史在最近接受VGC采访时表示:“冈政伟。”“你们知道电视剧《英雄》吗?那个喊着‘耶塔!’的日本角色,我希望他来演。” 冈政伟因在《英雄》中饰演广岛直树而闻名。自《英雄》及其续集《英雄:重生》之后,他参演了众多电影和电视剧,展现了他广泛的演技。从动作片《子

    Update:Dec 30,2024 Author:Camila

  • Immersive RPG MythWalker Launches on Mobile
    MythWalker: A Fresh Take on Geolocation RPGs MythWalker blends classic fantasy with real-world locations, offering a unique geolocation RPG experience. Explore the world of Mytherra, battling enemies and saving both it and Earth, all while enjoying a walk! Choose from Warriors, Spellslingers, and P

    Update:Dec 30,2024 Author:Penelope

  • Tales of Remasters Slated for Regular Release
    《永恒的传说》重制版持续来袭!系列制作人富泽裕介在30周年特别直播中确认,更多《永恒的传说》系列作品的重制版将陆续推出。让我们一起期待30周年之后更多精彩内容! 《永恒的传说》重制版未来持续推出 强大的专属开发团队保驾护航 《永恒的传说》系列制作人富泽裕介确认将持续推出更多系列作品的重制版,并保证将“持续稳定”地推出更多作品。在最近结束的《永恒的传说》系列30周年特别企划直播中,他表示虽然无法透露更多具体的细节和计划,但他保证已经组建了一个“专门的”重制版开发团队,并将努力在不久的将来“尽可能多地”推出更多《永恒的传说》系列作品。 万代南梦宫此前在其官方网站的常见问题解答中表达了他们对为《永恒

    Update:Dec 30,2024 Author:Jason

  • Open World ARPG Emerges from Shadow as Testing Nears
    Wang Yue, a fantasy ARPG, is gearing up for its technical test phase after securing its publishing license in China. This initial test will allow developers to identify bugs and gather player feedback before a full release. A World Divided Wang Yue's test presents a world ravaged by a malevolent su

    Update:Dec 28,2024 Author:Zoey

  • Fantasy Realm Awaits in 'Aarik and the Ruined Kingdom'
    Shatterproof Games' enchanting puzzle adventure, Aarik and the Ruined Kingdom, arrives on iOS and Android January 25th! Embark on a low-poly fantasy journey as young Prince Aarik, using his father's magical crown to solve over 90 unique puzzles across 35 levels. Navigate burning deserts, swamps, an

    Update:Dec 26,2024 Author:Mila

  • Have A Mind-Bending Experience In Kafka's Metamorphosis, A New Visual Novel Game
    MazM's new Android game, Kafka's Metamorphosis, offers a captivating narrative experience. Known for titles like Jekyll & Hyde and Phantom of the Opera, MazM once again blends family drama, romance, mystery, and psychological elements. Delving into Kafka's World This short-form game explores the li

    Update:Dec 26,2024 Author:Bella

  • Once Human Remains Popular with 230,000 Peak Players
    NetEase's post-apocalyptic survival game, Once Human, has achieved a noteworthy 230,000 peak concurrent players on Steam since its PC debut. This impressive launch also secured it a position as the seventh top seller and fifth most-played game. However, the game's initial player numbers suggest a

    Update:Dec 26,2024 Author:Scarlett

  • Dave the Diver Dives into Collaboration with Nikke
    Goddess of Victory: Nikke携手Dave the Diver开启别开生面的夏日联动! 潜入深海,猎取食材,赢取独家限定奖励!更令人兴奋的是,你可以在Nikke应用内直接体验这款独特的潜水游戏! 盛夏来临,如果你还没开始消暑,或许已经在计划了。无论你是在花园里挥汗如雨,还是在地铁里闷热难耐,都能在Goddess of Victory: Nikke与热门游戏Dave the Diver的最新联动中,开启一场深海探险! 这次联动并非简单的服装更新,而是将Dave the Diver的游戏体验完整地复刻到Nikke应用中! 如果你不熟悉Dave the Diver,它讲述了主角D

    Update:Dec 26,2024 Author:George

  • EU Proposal: Digital Goods Must Be Resellable
    欧盟法院裁定:可转售已下载游戏 欧盟法院判决,消费者可以合法转售先前购买和下载的游戏和软件,即使存在最终用户许可协议 (EULA)。让我们进一步了解详情。 欧盟法院批准转售可下载游戏 版权耗尽原则及版权界限 欧盟法院宣布,消费者可以合法转售先前购买并玩过的可下载游戏和软件。这一决定源于软件经销商 UsedSoft 与开发商 Oracle 在德国法院之间的一场法律诉讼。 法院确立的原则是发行权的耗尽(版权耗尽原则₁)。这意味着,当版权持有人出售一份副本并授予客户无限期使用该副本的权利时,发行权即告耗尽,允许转售。 这一决定适用于欧盟成员国的消费者,涵盖通过 Steam、GOG 和 Epic Ga

    Update:Dec 26,2024 Author:Nicholas