Dive into the purrfectly chaotic world of Cat Fantasy: Isekai Adventure, now available on Android! This cyberpunk-themed 3D turn-based RPG, heavily inspired by Nekopara, features adorable anime cat girls who transform between feline and human forms. Prepare for a thrilling adventure filled with mystery, high stakes, and an overload of cuteness.
Your Role in Cat Fantasy:
As an Inspector leading a squad of anime cat girls, you'll embark on a quest to solve mysteries and save a world on the brink of collapse. Develop deep bonds with your team, uncovering their personal stories and backstories through intimate private scenes.
Strategic Turn-Based Combat:
Engage in exciting turn-based battles utilizing a unique card fusion system. Combine skill cards to unleash powerful effects and strategically plan your characters' moves, choosing from various options including counter-attacks, curse magic, and follow-up attacks.
Nekopara Collaboration Event:
For a limited time, join Chocola, Cacao, and Vanilla from Nekopara as they make a splash in Cat Fantasy, sporting adorable summer swimsuits. Experience exclusive storylines and special moments during this limited-time event. Don't miss out!
Launch Celebration:
Celebrate the launch by claiming up to 1,000 free summons simply by logging in and participating in in-game events. Download Cat Fantasy: Isekai Adventure from the Google Play Store today – it's free to play!
Prefer a different kind of adventure? Check out our review of Ultimate Hunting, a 3D hunting simulator, for a different kind of virtual thrill.