Elpisoul 3rd Closed Beta Test (CBT) begins today, June 19th! Embark on an abyssal adventure leading a team of explorers against a surprisingly benevolent devil. This CBT focuses on billing and data deletion testing, offering a sneak peek into Elpisoul's gameplay.
The lightweight 1GB download is easily manageable. The test starts at 10:00 on June 19th, accessible to registered participants.
Dive into the Abyss
Elpisoul is a semi-real-time tactical RPG where you captain a crew through a monster-filled abyss. While tactical combat is crucial, the narrative suggests a nuanced relationship with the final boss. Mastering the game mechanics is key to success.
Maintaining your team's sanity is as vital as their health, a challenge mitigated by Monica's culinary skills. Strategic planning before each battle is essential, coordinating attacks and skills to overcome the abyss's dangers. Combat is fast-paced, but your commands will dictate your team's fate.
This CBT is your opportunity to influence Elpisoul's development. Developer feedback is sought on all aspects, from the card-drawing system to the intricate storyline.
Expect potential bugs due to the beta nature; your feedback is invaluable. Visit the Elpisoul website for more information.
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