Embark on thrilling prison escapes with Lupin 19th, a master thief inspired by Arsène Lupin! This stickman-style choice-driven game offers a unique prison break experience. Lupin 19th's global prison adventures present challenging puzzles and obstacles, each requiring clever problem-solving. Will you help him escape?
Game Features:
Strategic Choices: Each level presents multiple choices. Make the right decisions to progress; wrong choices lead to humorous, albeit painful, consequences!
Simple Yet Addictive Gameplay: Decision-making is the core mechanic. Choose your path, then watch the unfolding events. Simple to learn, hard to master!
Accessible Fun for Everyone: The straightforward gameplay and lighthearted humor make this game enjoyable for players of all ages and skill levels. Unlike other prison escape games, this one offers a fresh, engaging experience.
What's New (Version 1.59 - November 1, 2024):
- Improved game stability. Thanks for playing!