首页 新闻 Azur Lane launches Christmas event to bring festivities to naval warfare with Substellar Crepuscule

Azur Lane launches Christmas event to bring festivities to naval warfare with Substellar Crepuscule

作者 : Joshua Mar 18,2025

Azur Lane's latest event, the intriguingly named "Substellar Crepuscule," is anything but your typical Christmas affair. This festive event boasts the addition of two ultra-rare shipgirls, engaging mini-games, and a plethora of exciting rewards. Forget Winter Wonderland; this is a whole new level of holiday excitement!

Let's start with the stars of the show: the two new ultra-rare shipgirls, Fritz Rumey and Z52. Joining them are the super-rare Drüisburg and elite Z11, all available with increased drop rates in Limited Construction.但这不是全部!您还可以通过累积PT来获取精英造船员Z9作为里程碑奖励,而事件任务获得的特殊PT可以为您提供Z52。

And now, the main event! Running until January 1st, Substellar Crepuscule introduces these new shipgirls alongside nine brand-new skins.参加各种活动和迷你游戏,并利用“祝福”和“新年邀请函”选择几个特色船员之一作为奖励。


乐趣不止于此! This event also features reruns of the popular "Night Princess's Festive Feast" and "Manjuu Curling."完成为期7天的任务并参加这些迷你游戏,以获取“夜公主的节日盛宴”和其他各种奖励,包括独家家具,以获得有限的吸血鬼主题服装。

Finally, the shop receives some exciting additions, and a new META shipgirl, Admiral Hipper META, makes her debut. Acquire her through Limited Construction, Stage Drops, or by exchanging PT in the shop.

Ready to dive back into Azur Lane?如果您需要复习或一些战略指导,请查看我们的Azur Lane船层列表,以获取您在海洋中所需的所有信息!

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