首页 新闻 如何在王国中获得所有徽章


作者 : Hazel Feb 19,2025


掌握 王国的骰子游戏:拯救2 :获取所有徽章的指南

王国来的骰子游戏:Deliverance 2 提供了积累Groschen的有利可图的机会,尤其是在利用战略优势时。本指南详细介绍了游戏中所有31个徽章的收购。

Tin Doppelganger’s BadgeDoubles points from your last throw (once per game).TBD
Tin Badge of HeadstartProvides a small point advantage at the game's start.TBD
Tin Badge of DefenceNeutralizes the effects of your opponent's Tin badges.TBD
Tin Badge of FortuneAllows re-rolling one die (once per game).TBD
Tin Badge of MightAdds an extra die to your throw (once per game).TBD
Tin Badge of TransmutationChanges a chosen die to a 3 after your throw (once per game).TBD
Carpenter’s Badge of Advantage3+5 combination forms a "Cut" formation (repeatable).TBD
Tin Warlord’s BadgeGrants a 25% point bonus for the current turn (once per game).Looted from Ursula’s Mother during the "All’s Fair" quest.
Tin Badge of ResurrectionAllows a re-throw after an unlucky roll (once per game).TBD
Silver Doppelganger’s BadgeDoubles points from your last throw (twice per game).Looted from a soldier on the Trosky Castle balcony during the "Storm" quest.
Silver Badge of HeadstartProvides a moderate point advantage at the game's start.TBD
Silver Badge of DefenceNeutralizes the effects of your opponent's Silver badges.TBD
Silver Swap-Out BadgeAllows re-rolling a chosen die (once per game).TBD
Silver Badge of FortuneAllows re-rolling up to two dice (once per game).TBD
Silver Badge of MightAdds an extra die to your throw (twice per game).TBD
Silver Badge of TransmutationChanges a chosen die to a 5 after your throw (once per game).TBD
Executioner’s Badge of Advantage4+5+6 combination forms a "Gallows" formation (repeatable).TBD
Silver Warlord’s BadgeGrants a 50% point bonus for the current turn (once per game).Looted from the Scribe’s Chambers in Trosky Castle during the "Storm" quest; also found in a hard lockpick chest in Hendi von Grolle’s room during "The Fifth Commandment."
Silver Badge of ResurrectionAllows a re-throw after an unlucky roll (twice per game).TBD
Silver King’s BadgeAdds an extra die to your throw (twice per game).TBD
Gold Doppelganger BadgeDoubles points from your last throw (thrice per game).TBD

headstart的金徽章在游戏开始时提供了重要的点优势。 tbd 防御的金徽章中和对手的金徽章的效果。交换徽章 允许重新旋转两个相同值的骰子(一次每场比赛)。< tbd >允许最多重新滚动三个骰子(一次每场比赛)。 tbd 可能在您的投掷中增加了一个额外的死亡(每场比赛三次)。 trans变的金徽章<> <> game)。tbd 祭司的优势徽章 1+3+3+5组合形成了“眼睛”形成(可重复)。tbd 金牌徽章双重分数(一次game)。tbd复活的金徽章 允许在不幸的滚动后重新插入(每场比赛三次)。 tbd 金皇帝的徽章 1+1+1的三倍点(可重复)。>>tbd>>>>>>金婚礼徽章>> >允许重新滚动最多三个骰子(每场比赛一次)。 >通过在半决赛中击败Innkeeper Betty赢得。>>随着发现更多的徽章位置,本指南将被更新。有关其他 王国的来临:拯救2 策略,包括浪漫选择和最佳的振作选择,请咨询逃避现实。

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