ニュース Civilization VI: Fastest Science Victory Civs, Ranked

Civilization VI: Fastest Science Victory Civs, Ranked

著者 : Allison Jan 22,2025

Civilization VI: Fastest Science Victory Civs, Ranked

Civilization 6: Conquer the Tech Tree with These Leaders for a Speedy Science Victory

Civilization 6 offers three paths to victory, but a well-timed Science victory can be surprisingly swift. While many civilizations excel at technological advancement, some stand out as particularly adept at achieving rapid Science victories. This guide highlights four leaders who can propel you to victory through strategic empire building and technological prowess.

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While Religious Victories offer a faster initial path, and Culture victories require significant long-term investment, Science victories occupy a middle ground—a middle ground that can be dramatically shortened with the right leader and strategy. These civilizations leverage unique abilities and strategic approaches to dominate the tech tree. Remember, maximizing Science bonuses and expanding your empire are key to success.

Seondeok - Korea

Seowons and Governor Promotions: The Korean Advantage

  • Seondeok's Leader Ability (Hwarang): Each Governor promotion provides +3% Culture and Science to their city.
  • Korea's Civ Ability (Three Kingdoms): Farms gain +1 Food and Mines gain +1 Science for each adjacent Seowon.
  • Unique Units: Hwacha (Renaissance Ranged unit), Seowon (Campus replacement, +4 Science, -2 Science for adjacent Districts).

Seondeok's strength lies in the synergy between her ability and Korea's unique district, the Seowon. Early expansion is crucial. Utilize Magnus' promotion (preventing population loss when creating a Settler) for rapid city growth. Prioritize Civics that unlock Governor

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