ニュース RepantazioのUltimate Bond Guide:包括的なリファレンス

RepantazioのUltimate Bond Guide:包括的なリファレンス

著者 : Isabella Feb 10,2025

RepantazioのUltimate Bond Guide:包括的なリファレンス


メタファーの世界を旅する旅:リペンタジオと14人のユニークなフォロワーとの深いつながりを築きます。 これらの仲間は、他のゲームのソーシャルリンクに似ており、債券を強化し、報酬のロックを解除するための明確なシステムを提供します。 各フォロワーには8つの債券ランクがあり、専用のインタラクションを通じて達成可能です。 これらのランクを進めることは、あなたの冒険を助けるために新しいアーキタイプと貴重なボーナスを明らかにします。




Follower Name Unlock Method Archetype Lineage
Gallica Defeat the first boss in the Nord Mines on June 6th. Mage
Strohl Defeat the first boss in the Nord Mines on June 6th. Warrior
Hulkenberg Defeat the boss in the Mausoleum on June 10th. Knight
Heismay Enter the main dungeon for the first time on July 4th. Thief
Junah Complete the side quest "Save The Mourning Snakes" on Virga Island. Masked Dancer
Eupha Complete the side quest "Trial Of Malnova" after saving her in the Dragon Temple Dungeon. Summoner
Basilio Leave Altabury on the Gauntlet Runner on September 14th. Berserker
Neuras Complete the quest "Providing A Spark" given on June 14th. Gunner
Maria Triggered during main story events on June 10th. Healer
Catherina Enter the Grand Trad dungeon on June 12th. Brawler
Alonzo Complete the quest "A Dagger, A Ring, and a Rake" in Martia. Faker
Bardon After completing the Martira main story by July 16th, find him in Martia's city square. Commander
Brigitta Begin the quest "A Bullish Embargo" with her near her Igniter shop in Grand Trad (on or after June 12th). Merchant
More Summoned on the night of June 5th. Seeker


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