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Horizo​​n Walker Tier列表最強的先鋒隊

作者 : Lucy Feb 11,2025

深入探討了Horizo​​n Walker的激動人心的世界,這是一個以韓國Manhwa啟發的獨特角色名冊。 參與史詩般的任務,主要的戰術戰略策略,並征服各種遊戲模式,以增強角色的力量。 該級別列表突出顯示了頂級先鋒角色,可以顯著增強您的遊戲玩法。探索元數據,發現下麵最強大的先鋒!


Horizon Walker Tier List for the Strongest VanguardsLisandria, an SS-rarity Vanguard from the Human faction, is a formidable force. Her first active skill, Spinning Slash, unleashes a devastating sabre attack inflicting slash damage equivalent to her melee attack. Her second active skill, Sword of the Unknown, channels divine energy, granting her a shield equal to her magic attack for three rounds, along with the Sword of the Unknown effect.
Horizon Walker Tier List for the Strongest VanguardsLisandria, an SS-rarity Vanguard from the Human faction, is a formidable force. Her first active skill, Spinning Slash, unleashes a devastating sabre attack inflicting slash damage equivalent to her melee attack. Her second active skill, Sword of the Unknown, channels divine energy, granting her a shield equal to her magic attack for three rounds, along with the Sword of the Unknown effect.

Enhance your Horizon Walker experience by playing on a larger screen – PC or laptop – with keyboard and mouse via BlueStacks for superior gameplay.

Enhance your Horizon Walker experience by playing on a larger screen – PC or laptop – with keyboard and mouse via BlueStacks for superior gameplay.[🎜] [🎜]
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