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Oil Tycoon 2: Idle Miner Game

Oil Tycoon 2: Idle Miner Game 评分 : 4.1

  • 分类 : 模拟
  • 版本号 : 3.4.1
  • 大小 : 84.50M
  • 开发者 : Holy Cow Studio
  • 更新日期 : Jan 25,2025

Oil Tycoon 2: Idle Miner Game lets you build an oil empire and become a wealthy tycoon! Discover an ocean oil field and expand your operations by upgrading equipment, hiring staff, and striking deals. This idle clicker game lets you control every aspect of your oil business, from extraction to distribution. Can you conquer the industry and become the richest oil tycoon ever?

Features of Oil Tycoon 2: Idle Miner Game:

  • Manage your oil wells: Maximize idle profits and build your oil empire.
  • Develop and purchase equipment: Invest in new technologies and upgrades.
  • Hire staff and security: Expand your team to support your growing business.
  • Extract and deliver oil: Utilize various techniques to transport your oil to different markets.
  • Start from scratch and grow big: Begin with a single oil drill and develop it into a multi-million dollar operation.


Oil Tycoon 2: Idle Miner Game provides a captivating experience for anyone who enjoys building and managing their own business. Hundreds of upgrades, missions, and automation options offer endless gameplay. Download now and start your journey to oil riches! Become the ultimate Oil Tycoon and dominate the industry!

Oil Tycoon 2: Idle Miner Game应用截图第0张
Oil Tycoon 2: Idle Miner Game应用截图第1张
Oil Tycoon 2: Idle Miner Game应用截图第2张
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