Dive into the captivating world of "Can I Call You Mommy?", a game centered around Ichika, a dedicated university student balancing studies and a demanding part-time job. Facing mounting university fees, Ichika discovers a mysterious online posting promising significant financial reward. This intriguing opportunity, however, presents a unique challenge for Ichika, who shoulders the responsibility of supporting her younger siblings in a single-parent household.
Ichika's journey takes her down a rabbit hole of secret part-time job listings. A particularly enticing offer—"500,000 yen for two weeks of play"—catches her eye. Her decision to explore this offer, contingent on the identity of her potential "playmate," sets the stage for an unforgettable adventure.
"Ichika's Secret Journey" unfolds as an ABDL (Adult Baby Diaper Lover) themed adventure game. Witness Ichika's unexpected regressive transformation and follow her as she navigates the complexities of her financial struggles, personal identity, and the unconventional path she's chosen.
Key Features of "Can I Call You Mommy?":
- Compelling Narrative: Follow Ichika's struggle to balance her academic pursuits, financial responsibilities, and the unexpected opportunities she encounters.
- Intriguing Job Market: Explore a world of secret part-time jobs, mirroring Ichika's search for financial stability.
- High-Stakes Offer: The tempting 500,000 yen offer fuels the narrative's tension and intrigue.
- Unique ABDL Gameplay: Experience a unique gameplay mechanic centered around Ichika's regressive transformation.
- Emotional Depth: Connect with Ichika's emotional journey and her responsibility towards her family.
- User-Friendly Design: Enjoy a seamless and intuitive gaming experience.
Extensive Visual Content:
The game boasts over 300 images, showcasing a range of expressions and poses, expanding upon 16 core event scenes.
Illustrative Scenes Include:
Diaper use, personal grooming, bottle-feeding, crawling, highchair feeding, stroller rides, disciplinary spanking, and other scenarios.
Getting Started:
Simply unpack and launch the application.
In Conclusion:
"Can I Call You Mommy?" delivers a captivating and unique gaming experience. Explore Ichika's journey, navigate the challenges she faces, and discover the outcome of her high-stakes decision. Download now and begin your adventure.