Home News How To Open Genetic Apex Booster Packs in Pokemon TCG Pocket During Space-Time Smackdown

How To Open Genetic Apex Booster Packs in Pokemon TCG Pocket During Space-Time Smackdown

Author : Eleanor Feb 25,2025

The highly anticipated Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown event, focusing on the Sinnoh region and featuring Dialga and Palkia, has arrived! However, some players are still hunting for cards from other sets. Here's how to access the Genetic Apex booster packs:

Accessing Genetic Apex Packs During Space-Time Smackdown

Following the January 30th, 2025 update, initial concerns arose that the Genetic Apex set—the game's largest and beloved Kanto-region focused set—was unavailable. These concerns were unfounded.

To find Genetic Apex packs:

  1. From the pack-opening screen, navigate to the bottom right.
  2. Tap "Select other booster packs."
  3. Choose the Genetic Apex set.
  4. Select your desired pack type (three options available).

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Complete Genetic Apex Card List

Here's a comprehensive list of all Genetic Apex cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket:

Card NumberPokemon
A1 001Bulbasaur
A1 002Ivysaur
A1 003Venusaur
A1 004Venusaur EX
A1 005Caterpie
A1 006Metapod
A1 007Butterfree
A1 008Weedle
A1 009Kakuna
A1 010Beedrill
A1 011Oddish
A1 012Gloom
A1 013Vileplume
A1 014Paras
A1 015Parasect
A1 016Venonat
A1 017Venomoth
A1 018Bellsprout
A1 019Weepinbell
A1 020Victreebel
A1 021Exeggcute
A1 022Exeggutor
A1 023Exeggutor EX
A1 024Tangela
A1 025Scyther
A1 026Pinsir
A1 027Cottonee
A1 028Whimsicott
A1 029Petilil
A1 030Liligant
A1 031Skiddo
A1 032Gogoat
A1 033Charmander
A1 034Charmeleon
A1 035Charizard
A1 036Charizard EX
A1 037Vulpix
A1 038Ninetales
A1 039Growlithe
A1 040Arcanine
A1 041Arcanine EX
A1 042Ponyta
A1 043Rapidash
A1 044Magmar
A1 045Flareon
A1 046Moltres
A1 047Moltres EX
A1 048Heatmor
A1 049Salandit
A1 050Salazzle
A1 051Sizzlipede
A1 052Centiskorch
A1 053Squirtle
A1 054Wartortle
A1 055Blastoise
A1 056Blastoise EX
A1 057Psyduck
A1 058Golduck
A1 059Poliwag
A1 060Poliwhirl
A1 061Poliwrath
A1 062Tentacool
A1 063Tentacruel
A1 064Seel
A1 065Dewgong
A1 066Shellder
A1 067Cloyster
A1 068Krabby
A1 069Kingler
A1 070Horsea
A1 071Seadra
A1 072Goldeen
A1 073Seaking
A1 074Staryu
A1 075Starmie
A1 076Starmie EX
A1 077Magikarp
A1 078Gyarados
A1 079Lapras
A1 080Vaporeon
A1 081Omanyte
A1 082Omastar
A1 083Articuno
A1 084Articuno EX
A1 085Ducklett
A1 086Swanna
A1 087Froakie
A1 088Frogadier
A1 089Greninja
A1 090Pyukumuku
A1 091Bruxish
A1 092Snom
A1 093Frosmoth
A1 094Pikachu
A1 095Raichu
A1 096Pikachu EX
A1 097Magnemite
A1 098Magneton
A1 099Voltorb
A1 100Electrode
A1 101Electabuzz
A1 102Jolteon
A1 103Zapdos
A1 104Zapdos EX
A1 105Blitzle
A1 106Zebstrika
A1 107Tynamo
A1 108Eelektrik
A1 109Eelektross
A1 110Helioptile
A1 111Heliolisk
A1 112Pinchurchin
A1 113Clefairy
A1 114Clefable
A1 115Abra
A1 116Kadabra
A1 117Alakazam
A1 118Slowpoke
A1 119Slowbro
A1 120Gastly
A1 121Haunter
A1 122Gengar
A1 123Gengar EX
A1 124Drowzee
A1 125Hypno
A1 126Mr. Mime
A1 127Jynx
A1 128Mewtwo
A1 129Mewtwo EX
A1 130Ralts
A1 131Kirlia
A1 132Gardevoir
A1 133Woobat
A1 134Swoobat
A1 135Golett
A1 136Golurk
A1 137Sandshrew
A1 138Sandslash
A1 139Diglett
A1 140Dugtrio
A1 141Mankey
A1 142Primeape
A1 143Machop
A1 144Machoke
A1 145Machamp
A1 146Machamp EX
A1 147Geodude
A1 148Graveler
A1 149Golem
A1 150Onix
A1 151Cubone
A1 152Marowak
A1 153Marowak EX
A1 154Hitmonlee
A1 155Hitmonchan
A1 156Rhyhorn
A1 157Rhydon
A1 158Kabuto
A1 159Kabutops
A1 160Meinfoo
A1 161Mienshao
A1 162Clobbopus
A1 163Grapploct
A1 164Ekans
A1 165Arbok
A1 166Nidoran F
A1 167Nidorina
A1 168Nidoqueen
A1 169Nidoran M
A1 170Nidorino
A1 171Nidoking
A1 172Zubat
A1 173Golbat
A1 174Grimer
A1 175Muk
A1 176Koffing
A1 177Weezing
A1 178Mawile
A1 179Pawniard
A1 180Bisharp
A1 181Meltan
A1 182Melmetal
A1 183Dratini
A1 184Dragonair
A1 185Dragonite
A1 186Pidgey
A1 187Pidgeotto
A1 188Pidgeot
A1 189Rattata
A1 190Raticate
A1 191Spearow
A1 192Fearow
A1 193Jigglypuff
A1 194Wigglytuff
A1 195Wigglytuff EX
A1 196Meowth
A1 197Persian
A1 198Farfetch’d
A1 199Doduo
A1 200Dodrio
A1 201Lickitung
A1 202Chansey
A1 203Kangaskhan
A1 204Tauros
A1 205Ditto
A1 206Eevee
A1 207Eevee
A1 208Eevee
A1 209Porygon
A1 210Aerodactyl
A1 211Snorlax
A1 212Minccino
A1 213Cinccino
A1 214Wooloo
A1 215Dubwool
A1 216Helix Fossil
A1 217Dome Fossil
A1 218Old Amber
A1 219Erika
A1 220Misty
A1 221Blaine
A1 222Koga
A1 223Giovanni
A1 224Brock
A1 225Sabrina
A1 226Lt. Surge
A1 227Bulbasaur (Full Art)
A1 228Gloom (Full Art)
A1 229Pinsir (Full Art)
A1 230Charmander (Full Art)
A1 231Rapidash (Full Art)
A1 232Squirtle (Full Art)
A1 233Gyarados (Full Art)
A1 234Lapras (Full Art)
A1 235Electrode (Full Art)
A1 236Alakazam (Full Art)
A1 237Slowpoke (Full Art)
A1 238Diglett (Full Art)
A1 239Cubone (Full Art)
A1 240Nidoqueen (Full Art)
A1 241Nidoking (Full Art)
A1 242Golbat (Full Art)
A1 243Weezing (Full Art)
A1 244Dragonite (Full Art)
A1 245Pidgeot (Full Art)
A1 246Meowth (Full Art)
A1 247Ditto (Full Art)
A1 248Eevee (Full Art)
A1 249Porygon (Full Art)
A1 250Snorlax (Full Art)
A1 251Venusaur EX (Full Art)
A1 252Exeggutor EX (Full Art)
A1 253Charizard EX (Full Art)
A1 254Arcanine EX (Full Art)
A1 255Moltres EX (Full Art)
A1 256Blastoise EX (Full Art)
A1 257Starmie EX (Full Art)
A1 258Articuno EX (Full Art)
A1 259Pikachu EX (Full Art)
A1 260Zapdos EX (Full Art)
A1 261Gengar EX (Full Art)
A1 262Mewtwo EX (Full Art)
A1 263Machamp EX (Full Art)
A1 264Marowak EX (Full Art)
A1 265Wigglytuff EX (Full Art)
A1 266Erika (Full Art)
A1 267Misty (Full Art)
A1 268Blaine (Full Art)
A1 269Koga (Full Art)
A1 270Giovanni (Full Art)
A1 271Lt. Surge (Full Art)
A1 272Moltres EX (Full Art)
A1 273Articuno EX (Full Art)
A1 274Zapdos EX (Full Art)
A1 275Gengar EX (Full Art)
A1 276Machamp EX (Full Art)
A1 277Wigglytuff EX (Full Art)
A1 278Charizard EX (Immersive Art)
A1 279Pikachu EX (Immersive Art)
A1 280Mewtwo EX (Immersive Art)
A1 281Mew (Immersive Art)
A1 282Charizard EX (Gold Full Art)
A1 283Pikachu EX (Gold Full Art)
A1 284Mewtwo EX (Gold Full Art)

Accessing Mythical Island Packs

Pokemon Mythical Island Pokemon TCG Pocket

The same method applies to the Mythical Island set. The developers' commitment to keeping all packs accessible ensures players can collect their favorite Pokemon cards regardless of when they join the game. Simply use the "Select other booster packs" menu.

This concludes the guide on accessing Genetic Apex packs in Pokemon TCG Pocket during Space-Time Smackdown. For further information, check out our comparison of Dialga vs. Palkia packs.

Pokemon TCG Pocket is available now on mobile devices.

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