Embark on a thrilling adventure in Wolves in the Night, a captivating visual novel debut! Follow 19-year-old William as his life takes an unexpected turn, revealing family secrets and perilous challenges. Witness his beliefs shattered and new friendships forged as he navigates this treacherous path. Will he overcome the odds? Discover the answer.
Currently available for PC and Mac, with an Android release planned soon. Stay connected with the developer's community and consider supporting this ambitious project on Patreon.
Wolves in the Night Features:
A gripping narrative: Experience William's transformative journey, filled with unexpected twists, dangerous encounters, and long-buried family secrets.
Unlikely alliances: Watch as William forges meaningful and surprising friendships that shape his destiny.
Stunning visuals: Immerse yourself in the game's breathtaking art style and detailed graphics, bringing the world to life.
PC and Mac compatible: Enjoy seamless gameplay on your PC or Mac.
Stay informed: Join the developer's community to receive updates and connect with fellow players.
Support the creator: Help bring more amazing stories to life by supporting the developer on Patreon.
In short, Wolves in the Night delivers a compelling story, unexpected camaraderie, stunning visuals, and a chance to support independent game development. Join William on his life-altering adventure and be part of the game's growing community. Download Wolves in the Night today!