Experience the thrill of "Mecha Girl," a shooting survival game where you command powerful mecha warriors to combat a mysterious alien invasion! Earth's future hangs in the balance as these aliens target only human girls. As the captain of a Mecha Girl, humanity's last hope, you must fight for survival while uncovering the invaders' motives. Embark on an epic, universe-spanning journey!
This game uniquely blends survival and shooting gameplay. Navigate random survival elements, dodge bullets, and strategically deploy your Mecha Girls, considering their abilities and compatibility.
Meet a diverse roster of captivating Mecha Girls, each with their own unique personality and charm. They eagerly await your command!
Face diverse and challenging enemies, including powerful giant bosses, unlike any you've encountered before. Each map presents unique enemy types and brutal boss battles that will test your skills to the limit.
Customize your captain's arsenal with over 70 unique equipment items. Experiment with combinations to discover the optimal setup. Unlock hidden dialogue by equipping your Mecha Girls with their exclusive gear!
Climb the seasonal leaderboards! Compete with other players to prove your mastery of Mecha Girl command, strategy, and equipment optimization. Rise to the top and claim your place as the ultimate commander!
◈◈Official Community◈◈ ▶Official cafe: https://cafe.naver.com/mekagirls ▶Official Lounge: To be added
Developer contact: +82532146511