D One Games, renowned for horror titles like Scary Hospital Horror and Scary Tale: The Evil Witch, has unleashed its latest creation: Anime Girls: Clown Horror. This game offers a unique blend of the Dead by Daylight formula with a chilling clown antagonist reminiscent of Pennywise.
Gameplay in Anime Girls: Clown Horror
Players choose to be either a survivor or the killer. The killer is a terrifying clown, while survivors are anime-styled girls – a fresh take on familiar horror tropes. The game's unsettling visuals and sound design create a truly immersive and dangerous atmosphere within the amusement park setting.
The amusement park itself functions as a complex maze, the stage for all the horrifying action. Survivors must cooperate to complete objectives scattered throughout the map while evading the relentless clown. Strategic use of obstacles and hiding places is crucial for survival.
Conversely, the clown's objective is straightforward: hunt down and eliminate the anime girls before they escape. The amusement park becomes a hunting ground, filled with traps and secrets that the killer can exploit for maximum effect.
See the Anime Girls: Clown Horror trailer below:
A Unique Horror Experience
Anime Girls: Clown Horror stands out with its captivating fusion of anime aesthetics and classic horror elements. Survivors face both puzzle-solving challenges and the constant threat of the clown. For those who prefer the hunter's role, playing as the clown offers a distinct and thrilling experience. Download the game now from the Google Play Store!
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