Pokémon Sleep's latest event features the legendary Water-type Pokémon, Suicune! Until September 16th, the Suicune Research event lets you uncover Suicune's unique sleep patterns.
How to Participate:
The key is collecting Suicune Mane samples. Accumulate enough, and you'll unlock Suicune Incense and Biscuits, crucial for your research. Enlist the help of other Water-type Pokémon to boost your chances!
Helpful Water-type Pokémon: Squirtle, Wartortle, Golduck, Blastoise, Psyduck, Slowpoke, Vaporeon, Totodile, Slowbro, Feraligatr, Wooper, Croconaw, Slowking, Quaxly, Quaxwell, and Quagsire.
Key Locations:
Focus your efforts on Greengrass Isle, Cyan Beach, and Lapis Lakeside. Even Snorlax is getting involved, developing a taste for Oran Berries!
Drowsy Power receives a 1.5x boost on the event's final day. Download Pokémon Sleep from the Google Play Store and join the fun!
New to Pokémon Sleep? It's a sleep-tracking game that rewards you based on your sleep data.
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