In the immersive world of Metaphor: ReFantazio, the protagonist's journey is enriched by the addition of seven unique party members, each bringing their own distinct abilities and stories to the adventure. While Gallica joins early on, her combat participation is limited compared to others. As the narrative unfolds, these characters will join the protagonist on specific days during story-related events, enhancing the gameplay with their unique Archetypes.
Each party member will awaken to a unique Archetype, which, once unlocked, can be shared among other members, thereby adding strategic depth to your combat engagements. Early joiners might not be immediately controllable, but as the story progresses, you'll gain full control over them, especially after their Archetype awakenings.
Storhl - Warrior
Storhl becomes the first companion to join your journey on 6/5 during the events at the Border Fort. However, he won't awaken to his Warrior Archetype until the following day, 6/6, at the Nord Mines. Until his awakening, Storhl will function as an AI-controlled party member.
Following the Border Fort events, Grius joins the party but won't engage in combat until 6/6. After Storhl's awakening, you can assign an Archetype to Grius, making him a regular party member. Unlike others, Grius won't undergo a traditional awakening.
Hulkenberg - Knight
Hulkenberg begins interacting with the party on 6/10 but won't fully join until her Knight Archetype awakens during a boss fight on 6/11, marking her official entry into the combat roster.
Heismay - Thief
In Martira, Heismay becomes a focal point during your free time, though the narrative here is mostly linear. His awakening to the Thief Archetype occurs on 7/4 within the town's main dungeon, immediately followed by his integration into the party.
Junah - Masked Dancer
Junah's presence is felt throughout the game, but she officially joins the party after her awakening on 8/13, bringing the Masked Dancer Archetype into play.
Eupha - Summoner
Eupha offers some flexibility in joining your party. Between 8/19 and 9/4, while spending free time on Viraga Island, completing the Dragon Temple Dungeon will trigger her joining for the final boss, along with her Summoner Archetype. However, initiating her Bond can only start after the deadline.
Basilio - Berserker
During the events of Saint's Day on 9/11, Basilio awakens to his Berserker Archetype and joins the party. However, you won't be able to utilize him in combat until the day after, should you choose to do so.
\*\*\*\*\* This article contains slight spoilers for who joins your party in Metaphor: ReFantazio \*\*\*\*\*