The highly anticipated live-action adaptation of the Yakuza series, Like a Dragon, will notably omit the beloved karaoke minigame, a staple of the franchise since Yakuza 3 (2009). Executive producer Erik Barmack explained in a recent discussion that adapting the game's extensive content (over 20 hours of gameplay) into a six-episode series necessitates prioritizing core plot elements. He hinted at the possibility of karaoke's inclusion in future seasons, particularly given lead actor Ryoma Takeuchi's fondness for karaoke.
The decision has sparked mixed reactions among fans. While some express concern that the absence of this comedic element might lead to an overly serious tone, potentially deviating from the franchise's signature blend of action, drama, and quirky humor, others remain optimistic. The success of faithful adaptations like Amazon's Fallout series (65 million viewers in two weeks) stands in contrast to the criticism leveled at Netflix's Resident Evil (2022) for its significant departure from source material.
RGG Studio Director Masayoshi Yokoyama described the series as a "bold adaptation," aiming for a fresh experience rather than a simple recreation. He assured fans that the show will retain elements that will keep viewers entertained, hinting at the preservation of the series' unique charm.
The omission of karaoke, while potentially disappointing to some, might be a strategic choice to maintain narrative focus within the limited episode count. The show's success could pave the way for future seasons, potentially incorporating fan-favorite elements like karaoke and expanding upon the source material.