Tetsuya Nomura, the creative mind behind Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, recently revealed the surprisingly simple reason behind his characters' striking good looks. This article delves into his design philosophy and its impact on the JRPG landscape.
Nomura's Protagonists: Runway Ready for Role-Playing
Why are Nomura's heroes consistently attractive? It's not some deep artistic statement about inner beauty or edgy rebellion. The answer, as he shared in a Young Jump interview (translated by AUTOMATON), is refreshingly relatable.
Inspired by a high school classmate's insightful question—"Why do I have to be ugly in the game world too?"—Nomura's design philosophy was born. This casual remark resonated with his belief in video games as a form of escapism, leading him to declare, "I want to be good-looking in games," thus shaping his protagonist designs.
This isn't mere vanity, however. Nomura believes visual appeal fosters player connection and empathy. Unconventional designs, he argues, can create characters too distinct for players to relate to.
The Eccentricity of Villains
Nomura doesn't shy away from unconventional designs entirely; he reserves them for his villains. Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII, with his towering sword and dramatic flair, exemplifies this. Similarly, Kingdom Hearts' Organization XIII showcases Nomura's unrestrained creativity, where striking visuals complement compelling personalities. He notes, "I don’t think the designs of Organization XIII would be that unique without their personalities."
Reflecting on Final Fantasy VII, Nomura admits his younger self embraced a more freewheeling approach. Characters like Red XIII and Cait Sith, while unconventional, contributed to the game's unique charm. He emphasizes the importance of detail in his designs, stating, "These details become part of the character’s personality, which in the end become part of the game and its story."
In essence, the next time you see a Nomura hero who could grace a fashion runway, remember the simple desire to look good while saving the world.
Nomura's Future and Kingdom Hearts' Conclusion
The Young Jump interview also touched upon Nomura's potential retirement and the future of Kingdom Hearts. He hinted at the series nearing its conclusion and his incorporation of new writers to bring fresh perspectives. Kingdom Hearts IV, he suggests, is designed to lead towards a definitive ending.